• Eat Slow Live Longer Feed and Treat

    1.990 kr.2.290 kr.

    Eat Slow Live Longer Feed & Treat Roller 
    This treat roll ensures your pet to receive its food or treat in a playful manner, without gobbling. A unique way to keep your pet in motion and to prevent boredom and overweight. 

    With the Eat Slow Live Longer Feed & Treat Roller, your pet wil chew better which has a positive impact on the health and teeth.  

    Made with food safe plastics.

    NO BPA/ NO PVC / No Phthalates.

    EATS040: S (16,5 x í¸ 7 cm)
    EATS041: L (23 x í¸ 8 cm)

  • Eat Slow Live Longer Amaze Pinwheel 
    Quickly and rushed eating, gobbling, can lead to torsion of the stomach. Symptoms of a stomach torsion are: Increased saliva production, the expansion of the abdominal cavity and false vomiting. In addition, the dog gets too much air inside when he gobbles, this leads to flatulence.

    With the Eat Slow Live Longer Amaze Pinwheel your dog or cat will chew better which has a positive impact on the dental health.

    Lí­tið- í¸ 13 cm (for dogs and cats) Stórt - í¸ 16 cm (for dogs)

    Made with food safe plastics.

    NO BPA/ NO PVC / No Phthalates.

  • Eat Slow Live Longer Original

    1.890 kr.2.290 kr.
    Eat Slow Live Longer
    Quickly and rushed eating, gobbling, can lead to torsion of the stomach. Symptoms of a stomach torsion are: Increased saliva production, the expansion of the abdominal cavity and false vomiting. In addition, the dog gets too much air inside when he gobbles, this leads to flatulence.
    With the Eat Slow Live Longer your dog will chew better which has a positive impact on the health of the teeth.  Size EATS010: Small - í¸ 20,5 cm EATS011: Large - í¸ 30 cm Box contents: Eat Slow Live Longer bowl 5 feet + 2 spare feet Â
  • Your dog’s Flavorit chew Samsettur pakki af hnetusmjöri og myntu nylon beinum. Framleitt í Bandaríkjunum. Fylltu bragðfrumurnar með uppáhalds smurréttum hundsins þíns eins og osti, hnetusmjöri, jógúrt, graskeri, banana, eplasósu, kotasælu. Hannað fyrir hóflega tyggjandi hunda. Stærð 10 cm Hot Diggity verðlaunin Hot Diggity verðlaunin eru landsbundin dagskrá sem metur vandlega hundruð fjölskyldu- og gæludýravara sem telja aðeins bestu innsendingarnar sigurvegara. Hot Diggity-viðurkenningarstimpilinn táknar nýsköpun, gæði og skuldbindingu um framúrskarandi.
  • Treat ball for cats. Through the maze on the inside, this treatball guarantees hours of fun. Size 5 cmÂ
  • •Eye-catching orange quickly attracts birds
    •Multi-shaped, colorful wood blocks strung on plastic strands
    •Birds have fun maneuvering and spinning this toy
    •Measures 4″ X 11″
  • 12 oz Bolt on stainless steal cup for any sized bird cage.
  • Fugladekk

    1.390 kr.
    Fugladekkið, gert úr samanbrotnu og samtengdu litrí­ku pálmablaði, er mjög heillandi og grí­pandi leikfang fyrir allar stærðir fugla.
  • Stainless Steel Twin Feeder

    Bowl stand including 2 stainless steel feeders. Dishwasher suitable

  • High Wave Ferðabrúsi

    2.700 kr.3.100 kr.
    Upprunalegi og besti ferðabrúsinn fyrir hunda, kemur í­ tveim litum og tveim stæðrum. Einfaldlega kreistu brúsann og vatnið rennur upp í­ skálina, sleptu takinu og vatnið rennur aftur ofan í­ brúsann.
    • Passar í­ glasahöldurnar í­ bí­lnum
    • Einfalt í­ notkun
    • Sparar vatn
    • BPA-frí­tt plast, hágæða efni.

    Sjá myndskeið

  • 100% heil íslensk lambahorn! Engin rotvarnarefni, engin bætiefni, engin vitleysa.
  • 100% heil íslensk lambahorn! Engin rotvarnarefni, engin bætiefni, engin vitleysa.
  • Perfect bouncing ball!
    See the amazing bounce this ball has!
    Ultra durable, this ball can be punctured without deflating and provides hours of playtime fun.
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