• Jolly Ball Push-n-Play

    2.499 kr.5.390 kr.
    The practically indestructible, smooth Jolly Ball. Jolly Ball "Push-n-Play" is practically indestructible. The combination of bite resistant polyethylene and smooth finish makes the Jolly Ball ideal for dogs who destroy everything. Jolly Ball 25cm Push-n-Play and 35 cm can be filled with sand or water for even more fun!
    • The Push-n-Play is made for the enjoyment of all canine companions.
    • This ball is made of durable high density plastic and is available in several sizes.
    • The larger 25 cm and 35 cm can be filled with water, sand or gravel.  Â
  • iGroom Deshedding + Detangling sjampó mun ekki valda þér vonbrigðum. Losar flækjur og óæskilegan undirfeld, hjálpar einnig til við að koma í­ veg fyrir að nýir flókar myndist. Einstök blanda af innihaldsefnum iGroom endurnærir þurran feld og eykur gljáa og fyllingu. Mí†LT ER MEí að nota iGroom Deshedding + Detangling næringu til að sjá hámarksárangur.
  • iGroom All in One Shampoo+Conditioner er ví­sindalega samsett með frábærum hráefnum til að skapa heilbrigða húð og feld. Hann djúphreinsar allar feldtegundir en bætir við raka og næringu fyrir mjúka, hreina tilfinningu og útlit. Hin einstaka keratí­nkomplex inniheldur ýmis vatnsrofið keratí­n og grænmetisprótein til að bæta feldinum framúrskarandi næringu og rakagefandi. ENGIN súlföt ENGIN paraben ENGIN þalöt ENGIN dýra innihaldsefni ENGIN dýrapróf Náttúrulega innblásin umhverfislega sjálfbær Mikill hreinsikraftur Bætir raka og raka Inniheldur grænmetisprótein Inniheldur keratí­n amí­nósýrur Ráðlagt pH jafnvægi fyrir gæludýr Ráðlagður þynningarhlutfall 16:1 Â
  • iGroom True Color Brightening Shampoo  True Color Brightening Shampoo brightens and adds luster to dull coats and safe for all coat colors. Our True Color Brightening Shampoo is formulated to neutralize unwanted color tones in white coats, as well as adding brilliance and depth to darker coats. The unique Keratin Complex contains various hydrolyzed keratin & vegetable proteins to add excellent conditioning and moisturization to your pet’s coat. True Color Brightening Shampoo will enhance your pet’s coat and keep it soft and shiny with all naturally inspired ingredients that soothe and protect.  NO Sulfates NO Parabens NO Phthalates NO Animal Ingredients Naturally Inspired Environmentally Sustainable Recommend dilution 8:1
  • Oh, So Gentle Shampoo (Fragrance-Free) Â iGroom Oh, So Gentle Shampoo formula is specially designed to be gentle and mild, so your precious pup only feels cleaned and cared for. This Sulfate-free, Paraben-Free, Fragrance-free shampoo is also formulated with Aloe Vera, Chamomile. Sunflower Seeds, Grapeseed Extract, and Chestnut Extract to provide essential moisture to the skin and fur. Oh, So Gentle Shampoo is gentle enough to be Hypoallergenic. Â NO Sulfate NO Parabens NO Fragrance NO Animal Ingredients Naturally Inspired Environmentally Sustainable
  • Odourlock kattasandurinn frá Intersand er eini kattasandurinn á markaðinum sem fjarlægir lykt í­ allt að 40 daga, ólykt í­ kattasandi myndast vegna ammóní­aks þessi sandur stöðvar þá lykt.

    Sandurinn klumpast hratt og vel.

    99,9% rykfrí­r sandur ú náttúrulegum gæða leir.

    Sandurinn er með "calming breeze" ilm og kemur í­ 12 kg. poka.

  • Odourlock kattasandurinn frá Intersand er eini kattasandurinn á markaðinum sem fjarlægir lykt í­ allt að 40 daga, ólykt í­ kattasandi myndast vegna ammóní­aks þessi sandur stöðvar þá lykt.

    Sandurinn klumpast hratt og vel.

    99,9% rykfrí­r sandur ú náttúrulegum gæða leir.

    Sandurinn er lyktarlaus og kemur í­ 12 kg. poka.

  • Recomended for Parakeets, Lovebirds, Cockatiels and similar sized birds.


    The Byrdy Bush™ is available in 3 sizes – Small 5/8″ Thick – Medium 7/8″ Thick – Large – 1 -1/4 Thick ”

    This listing is for a Small – 5/8″ Thick (Top rope in image above)


    NO WIRE! Booda Comfy Cotton Rope Perches are designed with new shapes, bright colors and truly comfortable feel beneath your bird’s feet.


    The Byrdy Bush™ helps prevent feather plucking while affording your bird with hours of enjoyable preening. The vibrant, multi-colored materials help brighten up your bird’s home.


    The Byrdy Bushâ„¢ is bird breeder recommended to provide perching surfaces birds need in their environment along with color enrichment.



  • Recomended for Amazons, Greys, Cockatoos, Macaws and similar sized birds.


    The Byrdy Bush™ is available in 3 sizes – Small 5/8″ Thick – Medium 7/8″ Thick – Large – 1 1/4 Thick ”

    This listing is for a Large – 1 1/4″ Thick (Bottom rope in image above)


    NO WIRE! Booda Comfy Cotton Rope Perches are designed with new shapes, bright colors and truly comfortable feel beneath your bird’s feet.


    The Byrdy Bush™ helps prevent feather plucking while affording your bird with hours of enjoyable preening. The vibrant, multi-colored materials help brighten up your bird’s home.


    The Byrdy Bushâ„¢ is bird breeder recommended to provide perching surfaces birds need in their environment along with color enrichment.



  • Recomended for Cunures, Senegals, Quaker Parrots and similar sized birds.


    The Byrdy Bush™ is available in 3 sizes – Small 5/8″ Thick – Medium 7/8″ Thick – Large – 1 -1/4 Thick ”

    This listing is for a Medium – 7/8″ Thick (Middle rope in image above)


    NO WIRE! Booda Comfy Cotton Rope Perches are designed with new shapes, bright colors and truly comfortable feel beneath your bird’s feet.


    The Byrdy Bush™ helps prevent feather plucking while affording your bird with hours of enjoyable preening. The vibrant, multi-colored materials help brighten up your bird’s home.


    The Byrdy Bushâ„¢ is bird breeder recommended to provide perching surfaces birds need in their environment along with color enrichment



  • Kúaeyrun eru fituminni en sví­naeyrun og henta því­ oft mörgum hundum betur, þessi eyru eru lyktarlí­til, henta öllum stærðum af hundum og eru góð fyrir hvolpa yfir 12 vikna.
  • Slicker Bursti

    1.690 kr.1.890 kr.
    Þægilegur slicker bursti með plasthandfangi og gúmmí­ gripi. Tindarnir í­ burstanum eru með plastendum sem vernda húðina og rí­fa ekki feldinn. Fjarlægir lausann feld og greiðir úr flækjum.
  • Feldskafa

    3.800 kr.4.500 kr.
    Þægileg feldskafa með gúmmí­ gripi. Ekki nota á hunda sem fara ekki úr hárum. Byrjið á því­ að læsa flækjur í­ feldinum og fylgið eftir með feldsköfunni yfir þurrann feld, fylgið vexti feldsins.
  • Þægileg skæri með rúnuðum endum svo hægt sé að klippa loppur, eyru og í­ kringum augun á öruggan máta.
  • Sterkar og þægilegar klóaklippur með plast haldföngum og gúmmí­ gripi sem gefur gott grip jafnvel með blautar hendur. Með læsingu. Fyrir miðlungs og stærri gerðir hunda og jafnvel fyrri smærri hunda með góðar og heilbrigðar klær.
  • Â Lí­til og þægilegar klóaklippur með plast haldföngum og gúmmí­ gripi. Fullkomin fyrir lí­til dýr, fugla og kettlinga.
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