Viðarkarfa fyrir stóra fugla. Viðarbyggingin tryggir framúrskarandi náttúrulega umhirðu á nöglum og goggi. Þessa karfa má setja hvar sem er í búrinu og er auðvelt að staðfesta það. Stærð BIRDBSP3512 Lengd: 30 cm Þvermál: Breytilegt Markdýr: Mið- og stór páfagaukur BIRDBSP3513 Lengd: 40 cm Þvermál: Breytilegt Markdýr: Mið- og stór páfagaukur BIRDBSP3516 Lengd: 50 cm Þvermál: Breytilegt Markdýr: Mið- og stór páfagaukur
Recomended for Cunures, Senegals, Quaker Parrots and similar sized birds.
The Byrdy Bushâ„¢ is available in 3 sizes – Small 5/8″ Thick – Medium 7/8″ Thick – Large – 1 -1/4 Thick â€
This listing is for a Medium – 7/8″ Thick (Middle rope in image above)
NO WIRE! Booda Comfy Cotton Rope Perches are designed with new shapes, bright colors and truly comfortable feel beneath your bird’s feet.
The Byrdy Bush™ helps prevent feather plucking while affording your bird with hours of enjoyable preening. The vibrant, multi-colored materials help brighten up your bird’s home.
The Byrdy Bushâ„¢ is bird breeder recommended to provide perching surfaces birds need in their environment along with color enrichment
Recomended for Amazons, Greys, Cockatoos, Macaws and similar sized birds.
The Byrdy Bushâ„¢ is available in 3 sizes – Small 5/8″ Thick – Medium 7/8″ Thick – Large – 1 1/4 Thick â€
This listing is for a Large – 1 1/4″ Thick (Bottom rope in image above)
NO WIRE! Booda Comfy Cotton Rope Perches are designed with new shapes, bright colors and truly comfortable feel beneath your bird’s feet.
The Byrdy Bush™ helps prevent feather plucking while affording your bird with hours of enjoyable preening. The vibrant, multi-colored materials help brighten up your bird’s home.
The Byrdy Bushâ„¢ is bird breeder recommended to provide perching surfaces birds need in their environment along with color enrichment.
Fugladekkið, gert úr samanbrotnu og samtengdu litríku pálmablaði, er mjög heillandi og grípandi leikfang fyrir allar stærðir fugla.
Bambuskónguló mun gera kóngulóarviðbót við fuglabúr kakadúa eða ara. Þetta leikfang er fullkomið til að tyggja, toga og gera hávaða. Bambusbolurinn er gerður úr alvöru bambus og bómullarreipið er litað með náttúrulegum matarlitum, svo þú veist að það er öruggt! Við bættum líka við bjöllu fyrir auka hávaða til að örva. Hraðtengillinn gerir leikfanginu kleift að festa við nánast hvaða fuglabúr sem er.
Large bamboo log draped with multiple hanging stainless steel chains filled with colorful wooden blocks
•Cotton rope knots for chewing and preening
•Includes stainless steel bell
•Measures 16″ X 27″
This toy fosters interactive play by encouraging your bird to swing, climb and stay active in fun fashion.
Stack’em High is piled with layers of vibrantly colored wooden slats, blocks, and beads. As a result, even the picky birds will have a blast choosing their favorite color.
- Perfect for African Greys, Alexandrines, Amazons, Eclectus, Small Cockatoos, Mini Macaws and similar sized birds
- Lots of wood pieces to chew
- Destructible toys satisfy a bird’s instinctual need to chew
A giant cluster of colorful wooden blocks and plastic stars coming from every direction
Non-toxic metal rings are linked together with an assortment of bells to keep your bird busy! Parrots love to ring the bells and are drawn to the bright colors.