Treat ball for cats. Through the maze on the inside, this treatball guarantees hours of fun. Size 5 cmÂ
Nútímaleg og naumhyggjuhönnuð hundaskál frá DOG Copenhagen sem mun færa snert af norrænum stíl inn á heimilið þitt. Vega skálin er gerð úr hágæða ryðfríu stáli með skilvirkum háli gúmmíbotni sem heldur skálinni á sínum stað á meðan hundurinn þinn er að borða. Ætlað sem aðal matar- og vatnsskálar inni á heimili þínu en virkar jafn vel úti á verönd. Þessi skál er falleg, traust, auðvelt að þrífa og má fara í uppþvottavél. Vega Bowl kemur í tveimur mismunandi stærðum og úrvali af rólegum litum innanhúss. Prófaðu samsvarandi voga dúkamottu okkar til að fá heildaruppsetninguna!
Sniðug diskamotta undir matar- og vatnsskálar úr sílikoni.
48x30 cm.
Auðvelt að þrífa.
Sniðug diskamotta undir matar- og vatnsskálar úr sílikoni. 48x30 cm. Auðvelt að þrífa.
Mjúk hálsól með endurskini.
Ólin er með teygju og gerir kettinum kleypt að losa sig ef hann festist.
Mjúk hálsól með endurskini. Ólin er með teygju og gerir kettinum kleypt að losa sig ef hann festist.
Mjúk hálsól með miklu endurskini. Ólin er með öryffis klemmu og gerir kettinum kleypt að losa sig ef hann festist.
Mjúk hálsól með miklu endurskini.
Ólin er með öryffis klemmu og gerir kettinum kleypt að losa sig ef hann festist.
Eat Slow Live Longer Amaze Flower Red
Quickly and rushed eating, gobbling, can lead to torsion of the stomach. Symptoms of a stomach torsion are: Increased saliva production, the expansion of the abdominal cavity and false vomiting. In addition, the dog gets too much air inside when he gobbles, this leads to flatulence.
With the Eat Slow Live Longer Amaze Flower your dog or cat will chew better which has a positive impact on the dental health.Made with food safe plastics.
NO BPA/ NO PVC / No Phthalates.
Eat Slow Live Longer Amaze PinwheelÂ
Quickly and rushed eating, gobbling, can lead to torsion of the stomach. Symptoms of a stomach torsion are: Increased saliva production, the expansion of the abdominal cavity and false vomiting. In addition, the dog gets too much air inside when he gobbles, this leads to flatulence.
With the Eat Slow Live Longer Amaze Pinwheel your dog or cat will chew better which has a positive impact on the dental health.Lítið- í¸ 13 cm (for dogs and cats) Stórt - í¸ 16 cm (for dogs)
Made with food safe plastics.
NO BPA/ NO PVC / No Phthalates.
Eat Slow Live Longer Feed & Treat RollerÂ
This treat roll ensures your pet to receive its food or treat in a playful manner, without gobbling. A unique way to keep your pet in motion and to prevent boredom and overweight.Â
With the Eat Slow Live Longer Feed & Treat Roller, your pet wil chew better which has a positive impact on the health and teeth. ÂMade with food safe plastics.
NO BPA/ NO PVC / No Phthalates.
EATS040: S (16,5 x í¸ 7 cm)
EATS041: L (23 x í¸ 8 cm) -
Eat Slow Live Longer
Quickly and rushed eating, gobbling, can lead to torsion of the stomach. Symptoms of a stomach torsion are: Increased saliva production, the expansion of the abdominal cavity and false vomiting. In addition, the dog gets too much air inside when he gobbles, this leads to flatulence.
With the Eat Slow Live Longer your dog will chew better which has a positive impact on the health of the teeth.  Size EATS010: Small - í¸ 20,5 cm EATS011: Large - í¸ 30 cm Box contents: Eat Slow Live Longer bowl 5 feet + 2 spare feet  -
Eat Slow Live Longer
Quick and rushed eating, gobbling, can lead to torsion of the stomach. Symptoms of a stomach torsion are: Increased saliva production, the expansion of the abdominal cavity and false vomiting. In addition, the dog gets too much air inside when he gobbles, this may lead to flatulence.
As the stars in the bowl have different heights, it will be harder for the dog to take the food out. Because of this it will take longer to eat his food and his playtime will become a lot longer!
With the Eat Slow Live Longer your dog will chew better which has a positive impact on the health of the teeth.
Small: 20,5 cm
Large: 30 cm
Box contents
Eat Slow Live Longer bowl
4Â feet + 2 spare feet -
Eat Slow Live Longer Tumble Feeder
Quickly and rushed eating, gobbling, can lead to torsion of the stomach. Symptoms of a stomach torsion are: Increased saliva production, the expansion of the abdominal cavity and false vomiting. In addition, the dog gets too much air inside when he gobbles, this leads to flatulence.
With the Eat Slow Live Longer your dog will chew better which has a positive impact on the health of the teeth.Made with food safe plastics.
NO BPA/ NO PVC / No Phthalates.
í¸ 20,5 cm -
Þægileg feldskafa með gúmmí gripi. Ekki nota á hunda sem fara ekki úr hárum. Byrjið á því að læsa flækjur í feldinum og fylgið eftir með feldsköfunni yfir þurrann feld, fylgið vexti feldsins.