• Why chewing is so important: Clean teeth: Chewing combats tartar formation and cleans teeth of existing plaque. Keeps gums in good condition: This is essential for health and resistance. Chewing reduces stress and pain by releasing dopamines. Why dogs would choose Braaaf: Grain-free product (dogs are carnivores) Buffalo skin for longer chewing pleasure High level of acceptance (dogs love it) Snack comes in several variations (surprise effect and chewing stimulation) Perfectly suitable for teaching puppies to chew For any size of dog
  • Why chewing is so important: Clean teeth: Chewing combats tartar formation and cleans teeth of existing plaque. Keeps gums in good condition: This is essential for health and resistance. Chewing reduces stress and pain by releasing dopamines. Why dogs would choose Braaaf: Grain-free product (dogs are carnivores) Buffalo skin for longer chewing pleasure High level of acceptance (dogs love it) Snack comes in several variations (surprise effect and chewing stimulation) Perfectly suitable for teaching puppies to chew For any size of dog
  • Why chewing is so important: Clean teeth: Chewing combats tartar formation and cleans teeth of existing plaque. Keeps gums in good condition: This is essential for health and resistance. Chewing reduces stress and pain by releasing dopamines. Why dogs would choose Braaaf: Grain-free product (dogs are carnivores) Buffalo skin for longer chewing pleasure High level of acceptance (dogs love it) Snack comes in several variations (surprise effect and chewing stimulation) Perfectly suitable for teaching puppies to chew For any size of dog
  • Why chewing is so important: Clean teeth: Chewing combats tartar formation and cleans teeth of existing plaque. Keeps gums in good condition: This is essential for health and resistance. Chewing reduces stress and pain by releasing dopamines. Why dogs would choose Braaaf: Grain-free product (dogs are carnivores) Buffalo skin for longer chewing pleasure High level of acceptance (dogs love it) Snack comes in several variations (surprise effect and chewing stimulation) Perfectly suitable for teaching puppies to chew For any size of dog
  • Why chewing is so important: Clean teeth: Chewing combats tartar formation and cleans teeth of existing plaque. Keeps gums in good condition: This is essential for health and resistance. Chewing reduces stress and pain by releasing dopamines. Why dogs would choose Braaaf: Grain-free product (dogs are carnivores) Buffalo skin for longer chewing pleasure High level of acceptance (dogs love it) Snack comes in several variations (surprise effect and chewing stimulation) Perfectly suitable for teaching puppies to chew For any size of dog
  • Why chewing is so important: Clean teeth: Chewing combats tartar formation and cleans teeth of existing plaque. Keeps gums in good condition: This is essential for health and resistance. Chewing reduces stress and pain by releasing dopamines. Why dogs would choose Braaaf: Grain-free product (dogs are carnivores) Buffalo skin for longer chewing pleasure High level of acceptance (dogs love it) Snack comes in several variations (surprise effect and chewing stimulation) Perfectly suitable for teaching puppies to chew For any size of dog
  • Why chewing is so important: Clean teeth: Chewing combats tartar formation and cleans teeth of existing plaque. Keeps gums in good condition: This is essential for health and resistance. Chewing reduces stress and pain by releasing dopamines. Why dogs would choose Braaaf: Grain-free product (dogs are carnivores) Buffalo skin for longer chewing pleasure High level of acceptance (dogs love it) Snack comes in several variations (surprise effect and chewing stimulation) Perfectly suitable for teaching puppies to chew For any size of dog
  • Tyggusnakk frá Braaaf eru unnin úr allra bestu grunnvörum, til að tryggja gæði eru vörur Braaaf oft skoðaðar með tilliti til gæða og hreinlætis. • Að tyggja á hverjum degi tryggir hreina gervitennuna. Við tyggingu skafar tyggan veggskjöld og tannstein af tönnum hundsins. • Það heldur tyggjóinu í góðu ástandi, sem aftur gerir hundinn þinn heilbrigðari og minna viðkvæman fyrir sjúkdómum og sýkingum. • Tygging er góð æfing fyrir kjálka, hálsvöðva, fót- og bakvöðva hundsins þíns. • Vegna þess að það er mikil og ánægjuleg starfsemi að tyggja á tyggjó fyrir hundinn, verður hundurinn þinn andlega og líkamlega þreyttur og ánægður.
  • Tyggusnakk Braaaf er búið til úr allra bestu grunnvörum. Braaaf vörurnar eru skoðaðar daglega með tilliti til gæða og hreinlætis til að halda gæðastöðlum háum. • Tygging á hverjum degi veldur því að hundurinn hefur hreinar tennur. Tannskjöldur og tannstein er skafa af tönnunum á meðan tyggjósnakkið er tuggið. • Það heldur tannholdinu í góðu ástandi sem veldur því að hundurinn þinn er heilbrigðari og minna viðkvæmur fyrir sjúkdómum og sýkingum. • Að tyggja tuggusnarl er góð æfing fyrir kjálka, háls-, fót- og bakvöðva hundsins. • Vegna þess að það að tyggja tyggjósnakk er mikil og ánægjuleg starfsemi fyrir hundinn verður hundurinn þinn andlega og líkamlega þreyttur og ánægður. Stærð og innihald 27 cm - 250 g
  • Why chewing is so important: Clean teeth: Chewing combats tartar formation and cleans teeth of existing plaque. Keeps gums in good condition: This is essential for health and resistance. Chewing reduces stress and pain by releasing dopamines. Why dogs would choose Braaaf: Grain-free product (dogs are carnivores) Buffalo skin for longer chewing pleasure High level of acceptance (dogs love it) Snack comes in several variations (surprise effect and chewing stimulation) Perfectly suitable for teaching puppies to chew For any size of dog
  • Tyggusnakk Braaaf er búið til úr allra bestu grunnvörum. Braaaf vörurnar eru skoðaðar daglega með tilliti til gæða og hreinlætis til að halda gæðastöðlum háum. • Tygging á hverjum degi veldur því að hundurinn hefur hreinar tennur. Tannskjöldur og tannstein er skafa af tönnunum á meðan tyggjósnakkið er tuggið. • Það heldur tannholdinu í góðu ástandi sem veldur því að hundurinn þinn er heilbrigðari og minna viðkvæmur fyrir sjúkdómum og sýkingum. • Að tyggja tuggusnarl er góð æfing fyrir kjálka, háls-, fót- og bakvöðva hundsins. • Vegna þess að það að tyggja tyggjósnakk er mikil og ánægjuleg starfsemi fyrir hundinn verður hundurinn þinn andlega og líkamlega þreyttur og ánægður. Stærð og innihald 28 cm - 250 g


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